Entertainment & Sports - Akka Hotels & Resorts
 Entertainment & Sports

Entertainment & Sports

Pro-fit Club

Although it is very tempting to fall into the complacency of the summer vacation, throw yourself in a sun lounger by the sea and lie still for hours, you should not break away from physical activities for a healthy life. In Antedon Pro-Fit Club; Thanks to extremely fun and useful activities that you can do in the company of expert trainers, you can keep your body and mind fit and keep your form while having a good time!

Yoga: Yoga can be defined as a set of practices and teachings whose roots go back to India, aiming to attain peace in spirit and mind. Be sure to try this activity that will benefit you both physically and mentally!

Yogatales: It is an activity that increases metabolism and body resistance with the addition of pilates breathing technique by applying breathing techniques in yoga activity.

Aqua Fit: It is a bit tiring but quite rewarding activity in which you will work especially the leg and abdominal muscles intensely by using special equipment in Water. Aqua Fit is carried out in the pool.

Zumba: Have fun and burn calories with choreographic dance figures! Zumba, which is carried out under the control of an expert trainer, is an enjoyable activity as well as tiring.

Step Aerobic: Includes dance moves performed on the step board accompanied by the music determined under the control of the instructor; It is an effective activity for burning fat, providing fitness and body balance.

Kango Jump: It is an activity made with Kangoo shoes specially produced for this activity, strengthening leg muscles and making burning calories much more fun.

Aqua Jump: Includes exercises performed under water on a specially designed trampoline accompanied by music. After these exercises, you will realize that your leg, hip and abdominal muscles are working and that you are vigorous.

Pilates: It is an exercise system developed to strengthen the muscles and increase the flexibility of the body. Pilates is made with special balls on the mat and includes exercises at different difficulty levels to work various parts of the body.

Hiking: It is an activity that includes trekking and climbing for 3 or 6 km in line with a specified track. Trekking in our hotel is done by going to the mountains of Kemer / Kiriş, and covers two different routes. The first of these is Saklı Bay, which is 3 km away. The other is Bayraklı Hill, which is a 6 km track. Note: Do not forget to take your cameras with you while participating in the activity as both regions have great natural beauties!

Aqua Body: It is a tool-free activity in which certain exercise movements are performed with an instructor in the water, usually accompanied by fast-paced music.

Shows & Parties

Summer evenings are enjoyed with party, dance and music. Get ready to spend one of the most entertaining summers of your life at Alinda Hotel, with talented dance groups from all over the world, special activities for couples, concept parties and much more!

Family Fest

If you are looking for a creative and fun activity that you can join with your children on holiday and have fun, you should definitely experience Akka Hotels Family Festival. trace!
In the Family Festival, which is held twice a season and is organized with the joint participation of families and children; Participate in activities such as face painting, hand-printed and brushed art wall work, costume cookie making, planting, t-shirt painting; You can witness colorful and fun moments with mascot shows, acrobatics and magician-balloon shows ...

Winter Season Activities

Although many people rightly think of summer when it comes to vacation, the pleasure of winter holidays is different and it does not change for anything. Here at Alinda Hotel, we have prepared fun activities for our visitors, who are aware of this, to give them a pleasant winter holiday experience. Are you ready for an unforgettable winter holiday in Alinda, where everyone can find a suitable activity?

Hiking (Tuesday - Thursday - Saturday 10:30): It is an activity that includes trekking and climbing for 3 or 6 km in line with a specified track. Trekking in our hotel is done by going to the mountains of Kemer / Kiriş, and covers two different routes. The first of these is Saklı Bay, which is 3 km away. The other is Bayraklı Hill, a 6 km track.

Note: Do not forget to take your cameras with you while participating in the activity as both regions have great natural beauties!

Master Chef (Wednesday - 16:00): This is an activity that teaches our guests how to cook delicious Turkish cuisine. The meal to be made on that day is determined by the chef of our hotel, the ingredients are prepared and our guests are taught to make the meal themselves. At the end of the activity, each guest learns to cook a Turkish meal and eats their own food with great pleasure.

Fishing (Thursday - 16:00): It is an enjoyable activity that we teach our guests to fish. Every week, all the necessary fishing equipment is bought on a determined day, we come together at the beach of our hotel and our guests spend pleasant hours fishing together.

Cocktail (Friday - 16:00): In this activity, our guests learn how to make cocktails. The cocktail to be made that day is determined by the bartender and the cocktail table is prepared. With the arrival of the guests, the bartender shows the making of the cocktail of the day. Afterwards, our guests are asked to repeat these steps. Each guest tastes his own cocktail and at the end of the day they learn how to make a cocktail.

Crafting (Tuesday - 16:00): In our crafting activity, various handicraft applications are taught to our guests. On the determined day of the week, our hotel guests are shown the handicraft activity determined by the trained staff. Our guests can take the products they will make in this activity as a holiday souvenir.

Turkish Lesson (Saturday - 16:00): It is a special language learning activity for our foreign guests. At the end of this hour-long, instructive and entertaining lesson activity, there will be a noticeable increase in the Turkish level of our foreign guests!

Painting Course (Monday - 16:00): In our weekly activity, painting lessons are given to our hotel guests by our expert staff. In these lessons, our guests make the painting made by our staff on their own, applying the techniques they have learned. At the end of the activity, the pictures they make are presented to our guests. Our painting course activity takes place between November and April.

Bike Tour (Monday, Wednesday, Friday - 10:30): There are two tracks in our bike tour activity. The first of these is the 5km Kiriş ring road and the other is the 10 km Kemer / Kiriş mountain road. We recommend that you take your cameras with you, as the magnificent natural beauties await you on both routes! Our bike tour activity takes place between November and April.

Sports Activities

With the coming of the summer; In addition to the long-awaited trio of sea, sand and sun It also paves the way for countless activities that can be done outdoors. At Alinda Hotel, we invite you and your family to enjoy the summer with enjoyable summer season entertainment and sports activities that appeal to people of all ages!

Dart: Darts, a game of England origin, was mostly an activity for archers in the beginning, but it has spread to a wider audience over time, and today it has become a popular game played by many people in different environments. This simple but fun game in which specially produced small arrows are thrown into reserved areas on a round board attracts people of all ages.

Boccia: The game consists of 2 or more teams. It is played by throwing different striped balls in the teams to a small ball at a specified distance. In the game played by scoring method, the teams that can throw their balls to the small ball the closest distances win.

Beachvolley: It is a volleyball game played on the beach, where teams of six compete. Sets are played as 3 sets of 25. Beach volleyball is a popular game that requires speed, strength, reflexes, and technique, and can be quite exciting, especially due to its competitive nature.

Airgun: It is a game that shoots a target from a certain distance with an air rifle and can be played as a team or individually if desired. Scoring is made after the shots to the points on the target paper and the first is determined.

Waterpolo: Water polo is played in a pool of 20x30 meters with 7 players, 6 field players and 1 goalkeeper. The aim is to get the ball into the opponent's goal. The depth of the pool where this game will be played is usually 1.6 cm.

Pool Party: The party held by the pool every two weeks includes many activities that will attract the attention of visitors of all ages. We recommend you not to miss this fun party where rich decor ornaments, impressive performances and various workshops blend with music!

Olympic Games: Antedon Olympic Games; They are competitions that are held every two weeks, consisting of 7 games and played in teams. It is a very enjoyable organization where the importance of being a team is revealed and entertaining games are played with laughter.